Search Engine Optimisation.
SEO should not focus just on securing the # 1 rank on Google. As branding specialists we already know more than most about successfully positioning brands – we approach SEO with the same proven philosophy we use to position brands in the real world.
We’ll work to position your business online as the # 1 ‘go-to’ business in your industry and we’ll do that by striving to achieve better and more relevant ranking results than your competitors.
So why is SEO necessary?
You may have a great product or service and you may have referenced it on your website, but for various reasons your website might not be found by your customers – so if nobody can find you what’s the point of having a website?
With many traditional forms of marketing it is difficult to accurately and easily calculate the ROI – your Return On Investment – whereas with digital marketing there are readily available tools to allow you to understand how to best target your customer online. SEO is an essential activity most businesses need to undertake as part of their overall marketing mix. The process of search marketing relates to many activities but essentially it’s about positioning your business brand in front of your target customers at that time when they are looking for you the most.
What are the benefits for you?
It costs nothing to be listed on the most popular search engines; Google, Bing and Yahoo. If you already have a fantastically crafted and established website, with fabulously relevant content that is refreshed and updated often, you will already be ranking reasonably well (and in that case, why are you reading this?). If you are currently ranking on page 14 (have you ever even clicked past page 2?), this is when it requires an investment in time.
We will work with you to legitimately improve your ranking using ethical practices, we will define initiatives to improve your ranking position, thereby exposing your business to the most suitable target markets.
How we work
As brand consultants we already have a great understanding of consumer behaviour, so unlike other ‘SEO only’ agencies who often let computer software decide what keywords you should target, we work with you to really understand your business and approach SEO from a foundation of both digital and traditional marketing principles.
We look at your total marketing mix, your competitors and your target audience so as to position your business organically for the keywords terms that accurately and credibly represent your business and industry. We ensure we are targeting the right type of customer because – what is the point in targeting keywords that may get the most monthly searches online and then link to your website – if those results are not likely to convert into a customer?
SEO works in conjunction with your other digital marketing initiatives such as Google Ads and email marketing.