AEAWA / Website and Database Management System.

Making member communications for ambo’s easy, fast and mobile.

The AEAWA is dedicated to looking after and representing the interests of ambulance personnel across Western Australia.

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Their existing website was outdated and difficult for members to navigate. They also identified the need for a centralised and mobile-friendly way to communicate with their members through email and SMS at short notice.

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In addition to a new website, we created a separate and secure member management database. The database includes a place for administrators to see an overview of their members and monthly financial transactions.

The web application allows staff to send bulk email announcements and text messages to their members, and can easily be done from a mobile phone or tablet. It is also includes a registration form on the website allowing new members to join and be added to the database.

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For an organisation whose staff are Ambos themselves, is critical to be able to operate while on-the-go and as simply as possible. The database has streamlined the process of managing and communicating with the organisation’s members. Backed up by a website that looks great and is easy for them to add content.

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From the very first meeting, Axiom and the AEAWA had a great relationship. The assistance we were provided and the expertise we received throughout the process was second to none.

They created a world class membership database for us as well as an extremely professional looking website. This directed more people to our organisation and made communication with our membership a breeze.

We are delighted with our finished products and we soon realised that it was not just a database and website we received, Axiom gave us a brand.