
Axiom are close-knit studio, we’ve worked hard to create a standout culture of innovation, creativity and collaboration. We look for long-term commitments from both our clients and our people, we value every client and every member of our team and we actively invest in their futures.

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Our Culture

First up, you should know that we’re a small firm, like a really small firm, as in we never get bigger than like five to six or so fine folk. We know that big doesn’t equal best. We purposely stay small, nimble and sustainable as this affords us something incredibly important, the luxury of choice.

To have been successful at this size for over 30 years, we know that everyone at Axiom needs to be able to punch above their weight. By that, we mean it’s not enough just to have some design chops, but to have the will, drive and tenacity to produce truly stand-out work, work that doesn’t settle for “that’ll do, or that’s good enough”, but work that produces genuine ROI for our clients.

We can only do this by supporting one another, we have no room for ego nor a traditional management hierarchy. You’ll be encouraged to share ideas, supported to continually build your knowledge. At Axiom you’ll have a voice, a say and a genuine opportunity to make an impact and share in the success of the business.

We also understand that you have a life outside Axiom, and things don’t always work with the nine-to-five-jive. Where we can, we’re happy to offer you flexibility to suit your lifestyle. E.G. School-friendly office hours and then WFH so you can drop off or pick up the kiddos, etc.

And on Fridays, we brought back a little of what we heard made 80’s agency life awesome (but sans the misogyny and smoking at your desk), and we love a good team pub lunch. We usually wander down and support any number of the local establishments in Subi, but sometimes we venture further afield for a little team adventure to somewhere new.

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Our Values

We are fortunate to be able to choose our clients carefully and manage the number of projects we take on, we can then devote our studio’s full resources to every job, ensuring we deliver what we promise.

We believe in openness and transparency. We operate with integrity underpinning all of our actions and we expect the same from our clients and suppliers in return. We choose to not work with clients or industries we feel operate in, or offer questionable / unethical products or services. After all branding is all about perception, we would much rather use our powers for good – yes we need to make a profit, but we also need to be able to sleep at night too.

Our culture fosters independence, autonomy and accountability, but above all we believe in authenticity. This informs not only our work but also how we do business. So if we make a mistake (after all, we are human), we will always choose to own it and importantly we will fix it.

We believe that to be successful you work hard, but you must also have fun. After all, we all spend most of our lives working, so why not have a work environment where everyone actually wants to be?

We understand we are lucky to do what it is we do, we know we could not do it without each other and we couldn’t keep doing it without our marvellous clients who choose to entrust us with their brands.

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